In our plant nursery you can select, Custom Arrangements, Pottery Gardens, Succulents, Cacti, Hoyas, Air Plants, Vanda orchids, Large Pottery, Desert Roses, Wind Chimes, Hoyas, Pachypodium, Columnar cactus, Adeniums and be trained to do it your self Arrangements.
Every Month, Do it your self Terrarium Techniques, mixing succulents, Arrangements Courses, Medium to grow, Trimming Techniques, Vanda Species
We are Proud of our Clients, look for customer Reviews of Orchids, Arrangements, our Plant Nursery, in Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube
¿New cutting sales from our plant nursery, for succulent lovers and green thumbs.
Twenty years ago we begin our first Plant Nursery: Isaac farms, today we are proud to offer a new partner location Succulent World, with lot of space and products to browse, With Orchids, Vanda and Cattleya species, with new larger installations to serve better and give our clients the comfort that they deserve.
Frequently asked questions in our plant nursery: Succulents Care:
Water thoroughly every time the soil is Dry. Give enough air circulation to the plants,
Plant succulents in a high spot of your garden. Don't let succulent sit on water.
Provide succulent enough light Use a mix with good drainage. For Vanda Orchids Water every day.
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